i got a brand spankin new weber charcoal grill for my birthday (the girlfriend picked it out, and she did a good job of it). it looks like something out of "leave it to beaver", and i love it.

keep in mind, i live in one of those apartment complexes that are more like people-sized filing cabinets than actual domiciles, so the grill has sat in my living room since i got it, and i was threatening to light it up right next to the dining room window some night if i got bored and drunk enough to think it was a good idea.

but i had the past two days off, so tonite we decided would be the night, instead of trying to work on the 3 foot wide strip of grass between the building and the road we packed it all into my tiny car and drove to a local park, where there was a baseball game in progress and some people planning a church fair of some sort.

ignoring them and breaking out the beer and cow, i fired up a charcoal grill for the first time since i was probably ten and, after a few false starts, got it running. i then proceeded to grill to my little carnivoruous heart's content, filet for her, t-bone for me, kielbasa for tommorow, veggie kabobs to round the whole thing out. turns out mrs. dash makes a whole line of seasonings just for grilling, god bless her, so that part was pretty easy for a beginner such as myself. by the time i was done the grill was starting to cool, but we got some pretty tasty dead critter out of it.

anybody with any tips or tricks on how to use a charcoal grill, let me know, what we got out of it turned out pretty well, but i'm always looking to improve.

by the time we were done eating it was growing dark and everyone had left, but the girl had brought along her new croquet set and had allready set it up, so we played a few rounds of croquet in the dark, figuring out how to play the damn game along the way, while the pirates were soundly beaten by the padres on the radio. i'm pretty sure only extremely pretentious vampires play croquet in the dark...and us.



howdy, thanks for stopping by. what you're looking at is the intermittent ramblings of an iraqi vet, college student, goth-poseur, comic book reading, cheesy horror loving, punk listening, right-leaning, tech-obsessed, poorly typing, proudly self-proclaimed geek. occasionally, probably due to these odd combinations, i like to think i have some interesting things to say; this is where they wind up.

"I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us...We need the books that affect us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside of us.

ace o spades hq
bargain-basement allahpundit
a small victory
army of mom
babalu blog
beautiful atrocities
being american in t o
belmont club
blame bush!
castle argghhh!
citizen smash
the command post
common sense runs wild
curmudgeonly & skeptical, r
curmudgeonly & skeptical, pg-13
dean's world
drill sergeant rob
exit zero
enjoy every sandwich
feisty repartee
fistful of fortnights
free will
four right wing wacos
ghost of a flea
half the sins of mankind
the hatemonger's quarterly
hog on ice
house of plum
id's cage
ilyka damen
incoherant ramblings
in dc journal
the jawa report
knowledge is power
lileks bleat
the llama butchers
memento moron
the mudville gazette
naked villainy
nerf-coated world
those damned pajama people
professor chaos
professor shade
the protocols of the yuppies of zion
protein wisdom
the queen of all evil
seven inches of sense
shinobi, who is a f'n numbers ninja, yo
tall dark and mathteriouth
the nose on your face
the thearapist
this is class warfare
texas best grok
tim worstall
way off bass

other must reads: