To call the men and women who serve in our armed forces "kids" is typical of the Poseur Left. They know that by tossing this little emotional hand grenade into the discussion any hope there might be for a debate on fact, as opposed to hysterical rumor, flies right out the window. Who can not, at a moment like that, bow their head, and ponder ever so deeply, the meaning of children dying in a war.
Calling the adult members of the best trained and best equipped military in the history of the world, "kids" is an obscene insult.
And it's intended as one.
It implies that they are unable to decide for themselves their choice of career and unable to understand the very mission they're on.
"I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us...We need the books that affect us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside of us.
"How could you, Francis. How could you. You heartless bastard." -Ilyka
"Death to the Republic of Dork! All hail the Geek Empire!"
"It's kind of like Lileks on electro-shock treatments that aren't quite working."-steve the llama butcher
email the emperor:
unconqured -at- gmail.com
(bonus points for anyone that can guess the literary referance in which "unconqured" and "I" figure prominently)
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