I put up a post pointing out that Nazis are not welcome at a border-security rally, and guess what? A week later, the Nazis are heading out to join Cindy Sheehan. In her fight against our "War for Israel", dontcha know.

Well, we all have our crazies. I've said it many a times. Trouble is dealing with them, I suppose.

But this one does raise some questions: What if Cindy was black? What if she was a Jew? I know the Stormfronters are okay with being on the same side as Robert Byrd and David Duke...but what if this particular protestor looked more like Al Sharpton or, god forgive...well, I can't think of a prominent liberal Jew right now, but there's got to be zillions of 'em, right? Can't take over the world without your name coming up in a google search. Is Arlen Specter Jewish? He isn't really a liberal, and I don't know if Specter is a Hebrew name, but I always thought he was Jewish. I'm sure the Stormfronters can fill me in on this one.

How will the Stormfronters deal with the rastafarians that are sure to be in attendance? Or the pro-Palistine Arabs? This is Texas, there's sure to be a few Hispanics in the mix, as well.

So...When the skinheads show up, what will be their reception? This is a Peace Protest, after all, so there can't be any violence. When the Stormfronters decide it's time to hang a doped out Rasti from the nearest lynchin' pole, they'll just...talk it out, right? Go for root causes, understand their hate, and all that.

Right. Good luck with that.

Link via Ace.


howdy, thanks for stopping by. what you're looking at is the intermittent ramblings of an iraqi vet, college student, goth-poseur, comic book reading, cheesy horror loving, punk listening, right-leaning, tech-obsessed, poorly typing, proudly self-proclaimed geek. occasionally, probably due to these odd combinations, i like to think i have some interesting things to say; this is where they wind up.

"I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us...We need the books that affect us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside of us.

ace o spades hq
bargain-basement allahpundit
a small victory
army of mom
babalu blog
beautiful atrocities
being american in t o
belmont club
blame bush!
castle argghhh!
citizen smash
the command post
common sense runs wild
curmudgeonly & skeptical, r
curmudgeonly & skeptical, pg-13
dean's world
drill sergeant rob
exit zero
enjoy every sandwich
feisty repartee
fistful of fortnights
free will
four right wing wacos
ghost of a flea
half the sins of mankind
the hatemonger's quarterly
hog on ice
house of plum
id's cage
ilyka damen
incoherant ramblings
in dc journal
the jawa report
knowledge is power
lileks bleat
the llama butchers
memento moron
the mudville gazette
naked villainy
nerf-coated world
those damned pajama people
professor chaos
professor shade
the protocols of the yuppies of zion
protein wisdom
the queen of all evil
seven inches of sense
shinobi, who is a f'n numbers ninja, yo
tall dark and mathteriouth
the nose on your face
the thearapist
this is class warfare
texas best grok
tim worstall
way off bass

other must reads: